In Group Spiritual direction, a group of 4-8 people will gather for consecutive meetings at a time that works for everyone. The first session would function as an orientation/introductory session. Each session after that will begin with a centering practice before one person will share from their spiritual journey. Together, the group will practice listening and reflecting back what was heard. In group spiritual direction, you learn about the movement of the Divine through hearing the stories of others, while also contemplating the Sacred movement in your own journey.
The cost for group direction depends on the size of the group, but roughly ends up to be between $10-$20 per person for each session.
The number of times we meet and how often depend upon the size of the group and the groups needs/desires.
Please contact me via e-mail or the contact form on this website if you have a group that would be interested in practicing spiritual direction together. Group spiritual direction can also be done long-distance via Skype or Zoom.